GoPro For a Smart Home? Just hear me out.

I know, I know… GoPros and smart homes seem to go together like clowns and crying children: They appear somewhat related, but something’s just not right about it.

Not too long ago, this smart home enthusiast picked up a GoPro Hero8 Black just to see what all the fuss was about. I honestly thought it would collect dust on a shelf. Who needs a dedicated camera in 2020 when we all have smartphones? But then I fell in love.

The Pros of GoPros

There are definitely some huge upsides to a GoPro which put the best phone cameras to shame. The image stabilization is incredible. There’s dedicated and expandable memory for storing large, high-quality videos. And your heart doesn’t skip a beat when you drop the thing. This post, however, is not why GoPros are awesome little devices. It’s about why GoPros are a nice addition to a smart home in 2020.

It all started late one night…

My wife and I heard a loud thud downstairs. There’s baby gates at the top of the stairs, so I knew it wasn’t the kids. And the dogs were sleeping at the foot of the bed. I was heading to go check it out when I remembered I had my GoPro charging on my nightstand. I decided that I’d take it down with me, in case there was something that needed documenting. There was not, of course – my wife left her purse on the edge of the island and it had tipped off the side. But that got me thinking.

As some of my readers may know, I’m in favor of cameras pointing outside of smart homes, not inside. I like having the security of the cameras, but still maintaining a shred of privacy. But as that fateful night taught me, sometimes having a little inside coverage is a good thing. I started wondering how else I could use the camera. Wouldn’t it be great to have a handsfree way to video myself interacting with my smart home so that visiting family (and my wife) would know how to control certain devices while I’m at work? It would be a much easier way to show my brother how to install a smart switch (he lives, literally, 2408 miles away – yes, I just googled it). How many times have I wanted to capture a candid moment playing with my kids but had to try and pull out my phone?

That’s when it hit me – my GoPro was going to go from a toy to something I actively used every day.

See 5 Weirdly Useful Devices For Home Automation here.

How much is it gonna cost me?

So, if you’re interested in a GoPro, you might be thinking that they’re too expensive to just go pick one up. And you’re right – they can be expensive. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering it:

To get a top-of-the-line, latest-and-greatest GoPro like the Hero8 Black or the GoPro Max, it will cost a decent amount of money. The Hero8 typically retails for about $350, but make sure you check the updated link here – you can usually find sales for $25-$50 off.

Like any incrementally-maturing technology, there are many iterations of GoPros. With the release of the Hero8, the Hero7 dropped considerably in price, for example. IMHO, the best bang for your buck here is the Hero7 White.

There are also cheaper action-camera alternatives, like the APEMAN A79 4K Action Camera. I would say only go with these if you definitively cannot afford an older version and/or second-hand GoPro. They’re okay and do what they’re meant to, but they don’t hold a candle to the GoPros.

The last thing you have to consider is the accessories. I bought a pre-made accessory bundle package. Don’t do this. Half the stuff in there doesn’t get used, but was certainly still paid for. All you really need to get started is 3 things (links are to the midrange budget options on Amazon):

Adding those up, they come out to under $50. Wait to buy the more luxurious accessories until you know that you’d use them.

So, is a GoPro worth adding to your smart home?

I can tell you first hand that GoPros are a ton of fun. And I’m finding new ways to use them everyday. If your budget can handle it, you should definitely consider adding a GoPro to your smart home devices.

If you happen to find an awesome new way to use your GoPro in your smart home that I didn’t mention, I’d love to hear about it. Drop a comment or send me an email, and I’ll update this post.

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